OldTimeDoings With SeanGadhar
Food • Lifestyle • Preparedness
Just a place on locals to talk about old ways of getting things done. Why they are old ways now. If they are worth remembering/trying. What might have been lost as we gave up old ways, and what is better off in the trash bin of history. And stuff.
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The zeroscape DIY project

My wife and I took on Xeriscape landscaping our back yard DYI.

God help us.

It has been a chore to be sure, when the weather is nice enough to work on it, I'm working 10-12 hour days at my Job, so it's taking longer then we hoped.
Anyway here are some random photos from the "journey".

An unarmed Western population is soon under a Tyrannical thumb
Tell lies while people die & win a Pulitzer Prize. Media's incestuous History with the Tyrannical Left.
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